Fix ALL® Turbo is the perfect answer for all super-fast bonding jobs. Fixed in 20 minutes. 



Very high green strength

Fix ALL® can easliy be applied onto all surfaces in all conditions.


High strength

Fix ALL® is the perfect adhesive to glue all materials onto all surfaces in every condition. 


Fixed in 20 minutes

Fix ALL® Turbo breaks all spreed records as it makes it possible to achieve a good hand tight bond in only 20 minutes. The final bond strength is achieved in 3 hours. 



To bond mailboxes onto walls

To bond skirting-boards

To repair a vase

To attach ornaments

To bond mirrors onto walls



Fixed in 20 minutes (press firmly)

Adjustable for up to 5 minutes

End strength in 3 hours

Interior and exterior

Solvent free

43 Items


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